Sunday, September 13, 2009

A new Sims 3 Challenge. "As Many as My (sim) God intended.."

Sims 3 Challenge
"As Many as My (sim) God intended.."

If you've ever seen the Duggars, then you have an idea of where my challenge comes from. Before I get down to the details, I'd like to first say that I am in no way trying to show disrespect to their family. This is my way of living a little bit of their life, without the costs.

This challenge is "quick" in that it doesn't last generations (unless you want it to..) but it's a pain, and honestly it gave me a headache. With that said.. on with the challenge! xD

Starting Off

- Go to CAS, create one male and one female. You may make them however you wish to. Their goals in life, personality and looks are completely up to you.

- After you've created your family, you'll want to make sure that they are married. You can do this by simply setting the relationship up in CAS, or getting them married on your lot. It's up to you.

- Move them to any lot you wish. This includes small lots such as demolishing the bistro to have the smallest possible.

The Rules

- Your sim must "woohoo" every day. Since your sim doesn't believe in using birth control, she will need to "try for baby" unless she is already pregnant. You must try only *once* per day every day until the sim is pregnant. When she is finally pregnant, then it is optional that they woohoo the remainder of her pregnancy. As soon as the baby is born though, it's right back to trying.

- Money cheats are not allowed.

- No life fruits UNLESS it is the very first day your sims are "alive". Since the game sometimes randomly ages your sims, it's understandable to use the life fruit there. On, there are buyable life fruits that you can download for this purpose.

- You must play on normal lifespan.

- The male sim must have a job. Since your female sim will (ideally) be pregnant all the time, she won't be able to work. She can make money by drawing, writing, or playing the guitar - if she can find the time.

- NO woohoo before you are married.

- Teenagers are NOT allowed to kiss anyone.


+1 for every birth.
+1 if they are married on the lot instead of CAS.
+2 for any natural multiple birth
+2 for every painting.
+5 for every toddler who learns all of their skills.
+5 for every honor roll student
+5 for any teen with a job.
+20 if the father reaches the top of his career.
+20 if the mother has Fertility treatment. Additional 10 if Daddy does, as well. (Either order will work though..)

-50 for any visit from the social worker. DONT LET IT HAPPEN.
-10 For any money cheat
-5 for every accidental death
-5 for anyone in the family being enemies with each other.
-1 per teen who kisses before they are young adults.
-1 for anyone who goes to the bathroom in public.
-1 for any student failing school.
-1 for every (verbal or physical) fight within the family (that you catch)

*bonus points*

+10 points per child that you get to pick every personality trait for through adulthood. (well done!) Please note that these do not have to be positive traits. :P

+1 for every casual woohoo that your sims preform. (Limited to one point per day.. though they can woohoo as often as they want to lol..)

The challenge will drive you crazy.. but if you like(d) toddler mania and/or large families, then this challenge is probably right up your alley.

If you do make a blog on this challenge, please let me know! I'd love to see it. :P

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Sims 3 Mini Challenge - How many children can you handle?

I made two young adults, and had them try for a baby. The mother got pregnant the first try, and later had a little boy. After coming home from the hospital she got right to it and gave birth to two little boys.

She tried for another baby as soon as she was home, now she's pregnant again.

Doing this, how many children do you think you could handle? The infant stage is 2 days, the toddler stage is 7, so keep in mind if you have twins (like me..) you will have a few toddlers and infants at the same time.

How many could you get to grow up well? (All skills learned etc..)

I'm going to keep playing this way to see how many I can handle. And yes, I did use money cheats. (Motherlode, kaching)

"Cute" Tip! - You can place stuffed animals inside your baby's crib. Aww :)

~ Update

Ahhh! She had twin girls! I'm going out of my mind lol. Three toddler boys, two infant girls!

June/5 -- 4 toddlers, 1 infant, 1 child. Done!.. but crazy. X_X

The Sims 3 Tips - Gardening and you(r sims)

The sims 3 has a much more relaxed feel to gardening in terms of where you can place your produce. Instead of being limited to set patches of garden, you can plant anywhere in anything. I really like the freedom this game gives you, even in little everyday tasks.

Attending classes and reading books help your sim increase his or her gardening. You can also plant seeds and tend to the garden to gain more skill points. If a sim is has a "green thumb" then they are automatically rewarded with one gardening skill point to start off with. Gardening can be a great way to earn a bit of money - just take what you grow to the grocery store and sell it there! Sometimes, you'll get little tasks as well linked to gardening from neighbors who don't know as much as your green thumbed sim, so take those when you can!

As your garden grows, you'll notice the different plants take different shapes. The trees will start out as tiny little sticks, but in a few days time they're towering over your sims! My sim planted an apple tree, and in maybe 5-6 days, it had grown over his head. Right now, he's only at level 5 gardening so I'll keep working on it!

Gardening is available for teens, young adults, adults, and elders.

With each level you gain, you're granted a special thing you can do with your plants. For example, at level 6 you can "revive plant" so you can bring a plant from death's door to full life once more.

You can find seeds outside, while on a walk, or you can buy them from the grocery store. If you made your sim live in Riverblossom, there is a community garden where you can harvest seeds (or at least, that's what I was told)

When you find seeds, you can plant them to see what kind of plant they are. Once that plant has grown, you'll be able to recognize the seeds you see on the ground as long as you've grown them.

What I did, as suggested by the sims 3 prima guide, was I made my sim handy so he could have the sprinkler on auto-sprinkle .. but I never did do that. I actually like watching him tend to his garden, so I'm regretting the wasted trait. At least my sim can have auto-cleaning objects now, which will help out since his wife is popping out babies left and right. (Oh god, why can't I stop myself?)

Only sims with the insane or green thumb trait can talk to plants, it's no longer "badge" related.

Here my sim is starting out his garden. The little apple tree is covered in weeds :(!

Handy Tip - Want to see ghosts? Go to the graveyard! Want to get chased by bears? Go INSIDE the graveyard's mausoleum.

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Sims 3. Pregnancy tips, and increasing your chances for twins or triplets!

Hello, again. I just got my copy of the sims 3 Prima Guide, and I'm here to tell you some things I've learned and tested out about pregnancy, and multiples in the sims 3.

The sims 3's pregnancies are very much like the sims 2. It is three days long, day one being morning sickness day two pregnant.. day three pregnant.. then *suddenly* your sim gives birth to a boy, girl or combinations of those.

In the sims 3, there are ways to increase your chances of having a boy or a girl. If your sim wants a boy, she should eat at least 3 servings of apples. If she wants a girl, she'll need to do the same to watermelons.

Now, if your sim wants more than one baby (and who doesn't?..) your sim needs to turn the radio on to KidZone, and also watch TV. Doing both at the same time increases your chances of twins or triplets. I won't lie to you, the noises that come out of the radio and TV combined are enough to drive you crazy. So, unless you want to be crazy, MUTE IT!

Aside from that, if you read both of the pregnancy books (Totally preggers: An Expectant Mother's Tale and Baby Incoming: Preparing with Vilgilance) and keep the mother's moods up (her wants etc wouldn't hurt, either!) then you should be able to pick the baby's traits. Alternatively, if you don't do either of those you'll most likely get negative traits assigined to your sim.. if you're somewhere in between then you'll get positive traits, randomly assigined. Your sim will not name the baby, you get to.. unless you are not playing the family the time the baby is born.

Now that that's out of the way, lets meet the test couple of this entry.

It took a surprising amount of time for them to warm up to eachother, but eventually they both agreed on "woohooing" eachother for their chance at becoming parents ... of baby girl triplets. Or at least, that was the goal their player had in mind when picking them..

After they were done, thankfully she was pregnant. Another couple I had, it took them a few tries. Thankfully this guy has strong swimmers.. :P

The first thing I did with her was to have her go to the bookstore. While there, she picked up the two pregnancy books and since the grocery store was right there she also got some watermelon. This would be the time, of course, that she rolled her want for a boy. Too bad! We're going for girls, here.

Once she was home, I had her read her first book. Thankfully, these books are not very long so she did get to finish the first one on her second sitting. Pregnant sims, in the sims 3, do not have nearly as much decay to their needs as they did in the sims 2. This goes as well for non-pregnant sims.. it's much more evolved.

When your sim is pregnant, she will roll wants to buy things - baby objects. Also, she'll get food cravings. Some of them strange, some of them normal. Try to give her as many of those foods as possible.

For the most part, if you're going for several babies, most of the time should be spent either reading a pregnancy book, or listening and watching those horrible things I mentioned above. The children's channels. What I did, was I left the radio on 24/7, so that every waking moment she listened to the station. When she wasn't reading, eating, or bathing she was watching TV. She ate watermelons three times, once a day.

Finally, the time will come that your sim must have her baby. She may have the baby at home, but the hospital seems like a better option to me.

If your sim has a baby at home, she will spend 2 hours contracting until she gives birth.

If she goes to the hospital, she'll spend the same amount of time but there will be cool hospital noises happening should you be zoomed in on said hospital. Daddy should come and "be with the mother" as soon as possible if he was not in the lot at the time of her going into labor.

My sim's husband was one of the men who I did let go to work. This was a mistake, and I'll tell you why.. my sim DID have twin girls, and she cannot carry both babies. So, Daddy was supposed to carry out one of the babies and he wasn't there. Thankfully you CAN cancel out work, and have him go back to the hospital to a very unhappy baby then have him catch his own taxi home.

(For a laugh, just look at his face!)

I hope some of you found this helpful, I know someone was asking me a few blogs ago about the forcetwins/triplets. I bet this will make a good alternative to the cheats that do not work.

For triplets, maybe get the fertility bonus then follow this guide.. I'm sure she'll pop out an extra one!

Fun Fact : Your relationships with family members are now much more defined. Instead of "Family" your sims are now "mothers" and "sons" as well as "father-in-laws". This is a change that was much needed, and very much enjoyed by me! I hope this clears up a few of the problems the sims 2 had with incest.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Sims 3. The things I like, and things I don't like.

Hello! Welcome to my second blog post ever. I've just pre-ordered the prima guide for the sims 3, and I can't wait to get it. There are so many things in the game I know I'm missing out on, so this will help big time.

One of the things I had trouble with at first was trying to figure out how to get INTO a house. The method is a little strange, but simple once you get used to it. First what you want to do (aside from loading the game!) Is to pick a neighborhood, then on the left to the bottom corner you will notice that there are several options. Click on "choose household" A little box should pop up. Once you've decided on the family you want to play, click the select button on the family's screen. The family's picture will then be brought down to the left hand side, and all you need to do after that is click the check mark to play.

Embarrassingly enough, that did take me a few minutes to figure out. Haha.

Okay, now that that's out of the way we can get onto the good stuff! There are several new interactions I like, including "Clip Coupons". To be able to clip coupons, your sim must be Frugal and you must have a newspaper. Select the newspaper, and click the option to clip them coupons! The coupons can be for a lot of different things - like food or spa trips. The coupons themselves are good for three days. I like to stock up on them for a few days then make a day out of it and take all my sims out for a nice outing. I thought this was an indescribably cute idea, so in my neighborhood Mrs. Crumplebottom was constantly doing it!

Within the decorating tab, there are tons of items I had wanted SO badly for the sims 2. You can get toilet paper, tissues, fire pokers, and paper towels to help decorate the place and make things seem more like real life. The objects themselves can be placed at an angle, off centered, to the front or to the back. You can put several different objects on one single surface. Chairs, tables, etc can all be placed at an angle to give the room a more realistic and interesting apperance. I'm in love with the decorating aspect in this game. The colors are easy to change and DO NOT cost aside from the first purchase. Also, if you walk around the town you will find various things for your sim to collect. This includes gemstones and seeds both of which can be used.

Now, as you will come to notice if you continue reading my blog, I LOVE having sim families. I loved the sim babies (Yes! I really did, even though you couldn't do much - they were adorable!) Well, in the sims 3, you are granted a few more options. Although the basic interactions between mother and child are still nearly the same - you can do so many other things not directly to the baby. What I mean is that instead of feeding the baby, cuddling the baby, then putting it in the crib for a few hours to just do the same thing again your sim can take the baby out of the crib and SIT DOWN WITH IT!

Yes, I said it. Your sim mother can actually bend her legs with her baby in her arms. Aside from that, she can talk to people! Imagine that! She can walk the baby around town, or take it to a spooky graveyard and explore the crypts! Yes, I really did take an infant to a graveyard to explore crypts that you could possibly get chased out of by bears!

Okay, now for the lows. The only one I've really come across is this ; When your sim gets a newspaper and reads it, as soon as they're done reading it it goes straight to their inventory. So, if you don't recycle it, your sim could have TONS of newspapers collected throughout their life. In the same respect, books will be placed in your inventory and can be taken out to the park to be read.. but you know what, I actually like that!

Some of the new options in the game are ghost babies, triplets, mean forum posts, specific grocery shopping and lots of buffs/debuffs.

You can search the newspaper for various weekly events that will happen a specific day, at a specific time.

Your sims now actually CARE if another sim is single or not! Under romance, they can ask if a sim is single or not. I LOVE this feature, it's amazing.. like, I can't even begin to say how happy this makes me. I hated finding out that a sim was infact married and still all over my sim in ts2.

You can cook so many more items! The foods actually have a recognizable sequence too, like if you have them make PBJ then you see them with a peanut butter jar. It's cute. You can go to the book store to buy different recipies as well.

The only bug I know of is in Mrs. Crumplebottom's yard, the grave there is supposed to be of her husband Richard. While I DO think it IS her husband Richard, the gravestone (and I'm assuming ghost..) is named Erik Darling.

Handy Tip Number 1 : If your sim is out and starving, try going to the park for a free meal. Often times sims will set out picnic baskets and abandon them. Click on the basket for a free meal!

Our sim enjoying a borrowed picnic.

Mrs. Crumplebottom is a Frugal sim, who likes to clip coupons.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Sims 3 Blog.

Hello and welcome, if you've found your way here you must be curious about how the sims 3 is.

I got my copy of the sims 3 two days ago, and I've come to find out that this is VERY early. So, I'm going to do what I'd want someone to do if they got a game early and I didn't. I'll answer questions, post pictures, and try to figure out things for anyone who is curious about how the game works or DOESNT work.

So far, the only issue I have had has been memory leaks where the game is running just fine then it has some "lag" issues so I have to save it. Once saved, it seems to stop. I hope a patch will fix this soon after it's release.

The game itself is great - so many little fun things that I have come to notice that I just find cute. The neighborhood takes some getting used to, I still have problems trying to direct myself where I want to go. Also, it's hard to find certain houses as of now.. I'm sure once I'm used to where everything is it'll be a lot smoother.

The sims themselves look different (think.. bee movie) and that also is kind of strange to me. I'm very much used to my custom content to make the sims look very realistic. I'm sure that there will be some face templates for this version of the game as well. Which I'm looking forward to! Woo!

Okay, so far the best thing (besides the water!) are the little objectives you get. My sim Bella (Yes bella goth!) got an assignment from school where she had to go to the grocery store for X ammount of hours and research. She rode her bike there! It was adorable.

The one thing I had been VERY curious about was a sim's pregnancy. What happens is the sim gets a little warning sort of like a buff/debuff .. "The baby is coming!" So you have a few hours (I think? ) To get the sim either to the hospital or to home. If she has the baby at the hospital, she'll go there for a few hours and you can listen to the hospital sounds. No, you cannot go inside. :( When she comes out (and maybe the daddy if they're living together) they'll take a taxi home. The parents will sometimes roll wants to either have a boy or girl, which you can promise though I don't think that it changes the outcome of the baby's gender. Once the little one is born they'll get a buff saying that they had either a boy or a girl.

If you leave your sims alone while they're going to have a baby the baby will be named by the game.. err I mean.. the parents! So, my Ursine family had a baby and the little girl was named Jodi not by my choice. I really like this change, it's not like I have control of who names their kids what in the real world!

You can turn OFF the neighborhood aging if you DO NOT like this feature. I however love this! I love seeing the neighborhood grow, live,love, and die without my input what so ever.

I will be trying to re-create pleasantview in terms of couples, children etc.

Okay! That's all I've got right now. If anyone has any questions, suggestions, or comments please write me a comment down below and I promise to get back to you as soon as I have an answer for you! :D

I hope you enjoy this first screen shot! Have fun simming, guys. :)
This is Bella's family when I first loaded them. They're starving!