Monday, June 1, 2009

The Sims 3. Pregnancy tips, and increasing your chances for twins or triplets!

Hello, again. I just got my copy of the sims 3 Prima Guide, and I'm here to tell you some things I've learned and tested out about pregnancy, and multiples in the sims 3.

The sims 3's pregnancies are very much like the sims 2. It is three days long, day one being morning sickness day two pregnant.. day three pregnant.. then *suddenly* your sim gives birth to a boy, girl or combinations of those.

In the sims 3, there are ways to increase your chances of having a boy or a girl. If your sim wants a boy, she should eat at least 3 servings of apples. If she wants a girl, she'll need to do the same to watermelons.

Now, if your sim wants more than one baby (and who doesn't?..) your sim needs to turn the radio on to KidZone, and also watch TV. Doing both at the same time increases your chances of twins or triplets. I won't lie to you, the noises that come out of the radio and TV combined are enough to drive you crazy. So, unless you want to be crazy, MUTE IT!

Aside from that, if you read both of the pregnancy books (Totally preggers: An Expectant Mother's Tale and Baby Incoming: Preparing with Vilgilance) and keep the mother's moods up (her wants etc wouldn't hurt, either!) then you should be able to pick the baby's traits. Alternatively, if you don't do either of those you'll most likely get negative traits assigined to your sim.. if you're somewhere in between then you'll get positive traits, randomly assigined. Your sim will not name the baby, you get to.. unless you are not playing the family the time the baby is born.

Now that that's out of the way, lets meet the test couple of this entry.

It took a surprising amount of time for them to warm up to eachother, but eventually they both agreed on "woohooing" eachother for their chance at becoming parents ... of baby girl triplets. Or at least, that was the goal their player had in mind when picking them..

After they were done, thankfully she was pregnant. Another couple I had, it took them a few tries. Thankfully this guy has strong swimmers.. :P

The first thing I did with her was to have her go to the bookstore. While there, she picked up the two pregnancy books and since the grocery store was right there she also got some watermelon. This would be the time, of course, that she rolled her want for a boy. Too bad! We're going for girls, here.

Once she was home, I had her read her first book. Thankfully, these books are not very long so she did get to finish the first one on her second sitting. Pregnant sims, in the sims 3, do not have nearly as much decay to their needs as they did in the sims 2. This goes as well for non-pregnant sims.. it's much more evolved.

When your sim is pregnant, she will roll wants to buy things - baby objects. Also, she'll get food cravings. Some of them strange, some of them normal. Try to give her as many of those foods as possible.

For the most part, if you're going for several babies, most of the time should be spent either reading a pregnancy book, or listening and watching those horrible things I mentioned above. The children's channels. What I did, was I left the radio on 24/7, so that every waking moment she listened to the station. When she wasn't reading, eating, or bathing she was watching TV. She ate watermelons three times, once a day.

Finally, the time will come that your sim must have her baby. She may have the baby at home, but the hospital seems like a better option to me.

If your sim has a baby at home, she will spend 2 hours contracting until she gives birth.

If she goes to the hospital, she'll spend the same amount of time but there will be cool hospital noises happening should you be zoomed in on said hospital. Daddy should come and "be with the mother" as soon as possible if he was not in the lot at the time of her going into labor.

My sim's husband was one of the men who I did let go to work. This was a mistake, and I'll tell you why.. my sim DID have twin girls, and she cannot carry both babies. So, Daddy was supposed to carry out one of the babies and he wasn't there. Thankfully you CAN cancel out work, and have him go back to the hospital to a very unhappy baby then have him catch his own taxi home.

(For a laugh, just look at his face!)

I hope some of you found this helpful, I know someone was asking me a few blogs ago about the forcetwins/triplets. I bet this will make a good alternative to the cheats that do not work.

For triplets, maybe get the fertility bonus then follow this guide.. I'm sure she'll pop out an extra one!

Fun Fact : Your relationships with family members are now much more defined. Instead of "Family" your sims are now "mothers" and "sons" as well as "father-in-laws". This is a change that was much needed, and very much enjoyed by me! I hope this clears up a few of the problems the sims 2 had with incest.


  1. Wow!
    I have just read all your blogs on the sims 3 and they are just great!

    You give really good tips, and as i am yet to recieve the game (i live in the UK), you make me want to play it so much!

    There are so many cool features you have mentioned too!

    I will be checking back for updates!
    Thanks for a great read,


  2. These posts are cool, thanks!

  3. Thank you, guys :) It means a lot to know someone is reading and enjoying!

    Hope to hear back from you, Chelsey!

  4. I love your posts so far and cant wait for more! You're making me even more impatient for the game myself! lol.

    Keep up the great work!

  5. Thank you! It's a great game, glad to hear you enjoy my blog. :)

  6. Good stuff, Simulated! Good to know a lot of these tips! My wife has always been the one to like to control what she will be having, so she will like this news that I will tell her. I on the other hand leave my sims to fate when it comes to pregnancy. :)

    Let me ask you, is the guide worth buying? Just curious, cause if it is, I might just shell out some money to buy me one.

    I just got my copy at Target today. I'm so excited. Should have taken the day off today. :)

  7. I just got the today and I've been playing non-stop. I have a baby that just became a toddler, but he looks so ugly bald! Is there a way to change the look of a toddler? I know there wasn't in the base Sims 2 and it will drive me crazy if all the toddlers have to be bald and ugly.

  8. Masako, if I'm not mistaken you can change their look by clicking on the toddler while the parent and them are both awake.

    Silly, the guide is very interesting, but it's really up to you. It is only 14 dollars where I bought it (wal mart) so I think it's money well spent.. tons of things in it.

  9. in sims 3 you could change the faces of people by getting them to look in the mirror and 'change appearance'. or maybe it was the wardrobe? hmm.
    anyways, thanks for these! i am currently installing sims 3... taken almost an hour already!

  10. Yeah.. you could for the mirror.

    And wow,.. an hour? Ouch!

  11. I love your blog ^-^
    Keep it up! :D

  12. Thanks, anon. :) I'm working on a little thing upcoming.. but raids from my guild have been putting it off (Yeah.. I'm a nerd and I play wow! )

  13. Great Blog! I was wondering if there was any way to increase the chance of my sim becoming pregnant? I have tried at least 10 times (some even on days that she is 'lucky') and I cannot get it to happen!

  14. Ideal first step for women having difficulty falling pregnant test can be done in the privacy of your home with Ovulation Kit just type in Google home check Ovulation Kit then
    Plan your pregnancy as you like you can now choose your time and date of pregnancy

  15. Thanks for the useful information I would suggest that you learn with this video. Be helpful and get maximum knowledge about the Pregnancy. This Video'll suggest you :Pregnancy Week by Week
